Fabulous 50

What’s Included In This Course?

  • 8 online Modules including a workbook
  • You will get 6 – 8 one on one coaching sessions
  • Get access to FLOW CODE for the duration of the program
  • Access to private closed Facebook Inner Circle
  • Any many more



Your 8 Week Transformation

What will it bring you?

Alchemy in the mid-life kitchen will enable you to:

Turn your fear and anxiety into wonder and surprise at what you will discover. Understand your feelings and what is blocking you from moving forward.
Develop self-compassion for your unique way of being in the world. Identify the beliefs and patterns that are wounding your soul and preventing you from giving birth.
Find and develop relationships that mirror your values, both in work and family. Love your changing body and nourish and nurture it.
Embrace self-leadership as you connect to the wise woman within you. Live from you three power centres – Your mind, your heart and your spirit centres and become the woman who crowns her wisdom – the CRONE