Upcoming Events

“Tell me what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? One day you finally knew what you had to do…. And there was a new voice which you slowly recognised as your own that kept you company as you strode deeper and deeper into the world, determined to do the only thing you could do… determined to save the only life you could save” (Mary Oliver)

The retreat offers you time out to open your inner gates of wisdom to move forward on the path you choose. Open the gates you need to pass through to understand yourself. Heal old patterns that no longer serve you. Change your perspective of the past and your view of the future. Write the story of your new life as a wise woman with personal power and confidence as you embrace to the future.
Start with the first step, a small step you can call your own and move forward.

Book Now. Call Ann on 0400 474 425.


       Dr Ann Moir-Bussy
is an experienced counsellor, life coach and Reiki Master. Ann is a certified Qi Qong trainer in the Satori Flow Form. She has facilitated numerous healing retreats and workshops for women in Australia, Hong Kong and with Indigenous women from the Stolen Generation in the Northern Territory. Ann lives what she teaches and over the last 20 years also trained Bachelor, Masters and Ph D students how to be mindful counsellors, bringing a presence and positive affirmative approach to all they meet and work with. Ann’s website is www.embracelifenow.com.au

Dr Medicine Crow has spent over 30 years as a Master Shaman and healer, teaching, supporting, guiding people to heal mind, body & spirit. He practices in Australia, New Zealand and the USA, providing shamanic healings and body work, life coaching, mentoring, hypnotherapy, seminars, retreats and musical performances.

Medicine Crow is Principal Chief of the New Jersey Hill Band of Lenape and Cherokee Indians, holds a Doctor of Metaphysics, Ph.D. Religious Philosophy and Master status in the esoteric disciplines of Huna Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki and Isis Seichim, and is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Medicine Crow is an exciting and dynamic speaker who walks his talk. www.medicinecrow2.com

Opening the Gates of Wisdom
Wise Woman’s Retreat

Mt Mellum, Qld.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday
25, 26, 27 October, 2019

This retreat gives you the time, space and opportunity to rejuvenate, to let go of what holds you back and to create a new life.


Innistaigh Mountain Retreat,
244 Mt Mellum Road
Mt Mellum

Opening the Gates of Wisdom


The gate is a symbol of transition or a passageway into something new requiring of us to prepare what we need as we enter and to leave behind what is no longer relevant. Explore four gates on these days, during this time for time for reflection, journaling, drawing and rewriting your story and finding your power.

FRIDAY: 25th October

10.30am Registration and finding your retreat home
12.00 Lunch
1.00 The power of stories – Your story and the words that have shaped your history and the baggage you created (Ann & Medicine Crow)
3.00 Afternoon Tea
4.00 Retreat time – draw, write, spend time in nature, be peaceful
6.00 Dinner
7.00 Fire Spirit Journey – the nature of fire is change, it purifies and removes obstacles. Clear you path and throw what isn’t working into the fire
8.30 Retreat time, relax, reflect, retire

SATURDAY – 26th October

7.30am Good Morning QiQong
8.00 am Breakfast
9.00 The Gates of Wisdom (Ann)
11.00 Morning Tea
11.30 Art – creating your gate (Ann)
1.00 Lunch


2.00 The System – Tools you can use (Medicine Crow)
3.30 Afternoon Tea
4.00 Reflection Time – journaling
6.00 Dinner
7.00 Water Journey – A spiritual cleansing (Medicine Crow)
8.30 Retreat time, relax, reflect, retire

Innistaigh Mountain Retreat
244 Mt Mellum Road, Mt Mellum, Qld. 4550
Limited Spaces: Contact Dr Ann Moir-Bussy
0400 474 425 to reserve your space
Your Investment: $695

SUNDAY 27th October

7.30 Good Morning Qi Qong
8.00 Breakfast
9.00 The Open Gate
Life Path & Direction Journey
New focus, new direction, celebrate your personal power
11.00 Closing Ceremony
12.00 Lunch and farewells

Book in a Day and Time that Works for You

Schedule a Call Now